So, yeah. My friends and I have created some stuff. Who hasn't?'s our invetions.

Comment yours too!!!



We created "The Pull Game"


How to play: Get your friends (2+) and sit in a circle holding hands with your feet in the middle. PULL!!!!


Object: The object of the game is to be the last one not to let go, or the last on not to be laying down. If there are only two people left, the they duel until someone loses.





Hi! It's me, Jane! My other friend and I made the

"Chubby Bunny Challenge"


How to play:  You will need a bag of marshmallows. Put one marshmallow in your mouth and say, "CHUBBY BUNNY!!!"  Put one more marshmallow in your mouth, then say, "CHUBBY BUNNY!!!" again. Every time you put a marshmallow in, you have to say, "CHUBBY BUNNY!!!" You can play with as many friends as you want.



Object: The object of "CHUBBY BUNNY!!!" is to say, "CHUBBY BUNNY!!!" every time without coughing them up, or spitting them out.

Write a comment

Comments: 3
  • #1

    Razzan (Sunday, 08 July 2012 19:51)

    I wanna play chubby bunny

  • #2

    amy (Thursday, 19 July 2012 13:22)

    address game when u walk aroud ur niebourhood u think of ur adderss so whenu see a mailbox u call out the numders that occur in ur address and the mailboxs address YYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  • #3

    Amy (Friday, 20 July 2012 15:06)

    sorry about my grammar